Saturday, July 2, 2011

Fiji: The Beginning

First the geography lesson. 
The big picture. The pink circle above the tropic of Capricorn is the Fiji island group

Here is the big island of Viti Levu. Nadi airport on the west side of the island and we bussed along the southern coast to Pacific Harbor to catch a boat.

Finally the island of Beqa and the Beqa Lagoon Resort.

Now that you're oriented


From the returning world-weary traveler.

The problem with a trip of a lifetime is that you really want to share the experience with friends and family, co-workers, and anyone who will listen. The reality is, it is impossible to translate the emotional and maybe even spirtual intensity of the actual being there. Plus the added bonus of those who were not there ending up feeling like they are being in that vacation-torture-hell-Guantanamo experience of watching family home movies of YOUR vacation. Sure way to put people to sleep based on their tolerance level for such things, right?


I had a stunningly fabulous time in Beqa (pronounced Benga). For that you will have to endure several posts of my trip. The nice thing about the internet and blogging in general, is that when you have had enough you can simply stop reading the words and looking at the pictures...for as long as you like and pick back up whenever you want. Hopefully I can excite you enough to want to visit one of the far reaches of the world and see a glimpse of unfettered paradise. Ready?

Here we go...

Thursday June 9th. Departure (or leaving behind all that is civilized).

If you have seen the movie Planes, Trains, and Automobiles this trip will bring that visual of travel fun to mind. This however was Plane, bigger Plane, Bus, Boat. Three hours from DFW to LAX, 5 hour layover, 10 1/2 hour flight to Nadi (pronounced Nandi), Fiji, (loss of one entire day Friday June 10th), 3-hour bus ride to Pacific Harbor boat launch, 45 minute boat ride to the resort on Beqa island. Minus the layover...a little over 17 hours of various travel methods. Arrive in Nadi Saturday June 11th...where the hell did Friday go. I lost a day of my life!!

To whit....(enlarge all you wish to)
The Big Board in LAX showing our Air Pacific flight 811 to Nadi (what was that flight number on Lost?)

Plenty of time in LA to watch the Dallas Mavericks win game 5 of the NBA Finals

Greatest plane in the world the 747-400 jumbo jet - top floor last row before the exit door. Sweet!

Who thought you could even do this anymore post-911? A picture of one of our group in the cockpit.

Amongst all the music and welcoming to the island...a somber warning of the Giant African Snail invasion. Never saw one...and I so wanted to be the first to report the advancing threat!

Oh yeah, I love this plane! If you enlarge this, we sat in the last row of the top level before the break in the bulkhead...about 7 feet in front of the next row! Can you tell I have never been on one of these before...acting like a kid!

Two hours after landing in Nadi, we board the Bus From Hell. My wife is the one in the middle holding it together. A three hour tour my ass! And it was numb most of the ride.

The interior countryside from the coastal road is quite rugged and undeveloped...and hard to photo in a bus that is like an amusment ride...that. never. ends.

My wife took a picture of yours truly on the left with another member of our group. Notice my stunning red flower and the pooka bead necklace. (Wait'll ya get a load of my skirt!)

The bus ride has mercifully ended and now...the 45 minute boat ride where we have been warned to be prepared to exit into ankle-deep water! I changed from my tennis shoes to my flip-flops on the boat. Very smart.

We are quickly approaching our home for the next 8 days (or is it 7? that international dateline has me confused for a week). Paradise

Tomorrow a little more from this longest day ever in my life...including the falling aleep-as-dinner-is-served excitement. Til then...Vinaka

1 comment:

  1. Chuck,
    Looking at your pics and reading your blog brought back all the initial excitement of the trip...and you've only just arrived at the island! Can't wait to read your next entry!
